
Welcome to the Blue Genes Community!

Our community is made up of individuals and associations from various backgrounds, including artists, scientists, educators, activists, and more. Each member brings unique perspectives and expertise, united by a shared commitment to protecting our oceans.

Explore our diverse community profiles below to learn more about the individuals driving the Blue Genes mission forward. 

Join us in celebrating the power of art, science, and community as we work together to make a difference for our planet.

🟥 Artist ​🟩 Scientist ​🟦 Educator​ 🟨 Activist​ 🟪 Other

Eva Álvarez
Barcelona, Spain
► Spain
Oceanographer, Environmental Scientist and Filmmaker, Photographer, Audiovisual Producer. 
BlueGreen Vision

Vanessa Balagué
Barcelona, Spain
► Spain
Chemist, Biochemist and Scientific disseminator (Art&Science)

Emma Betran
 Barcelona, Spain
► Spain
Emerging Physicist with a passion for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Art