We​ co-create and execute disruptive and transformative actions and activities!

second in-person Blue Genes workshop
february 2024


The second in-person #BlueGenesCommunity workshop gathered around 30  individuals, including artists, scientists, and activists, at a three-day co-creative retreat at Club Nàutic Cala Canyelles, Spain. 
The objective was to advance the dialogue from the previous workshop and develop a community project focused on finding new narratives and promote actions that increase the connection and commitment to the marine environment through Arts and Sciences. Additionally, the community developed the content of the upcoming satellite event entitled "Enbluement: Connecting science and arts to expand our belonging to the ocean" scheduled for April 9th in Barcelona as part of the UN Ocean Decade Conference.
Expected outcomes of this workshop involve the creation of a report to be published at CSIC's repository, strategic planning for the UN satellite event, and future activity plans. 

We would like to extend our gratitude to Club Nàutic Cala Canyelles for providing a venue for our workshop and creating a motivating setting for our collaborative efforts
Photo credits: Elisabetta Broglio

first in-person Blue Genes workshop
december 2023

barcelona, SPAIN

On December 19th, 2023, the first in-person meeting of the Blue Genes initiative took place at the Institut de Ciències del Mar in Barcelona. The gathering united over 20 members of the Blue Genes Community with a focus on strengthening local ties and refining current objectives, highlighting the potential at the intersection of art and science. Discussions centered around creating space for reflection and breaking away from old narratives to establish new ones. Key questions were raised about personal and Blue Genes' goals, emphasizing clear and responsible communication. The concept of Blue Genes serving as a platform for sharing concerns and community response s was highlighted. Conversations also delved into topics like eco-anxiety and exploring the intersection of science and art in addressing environmental issues. Emphasizing the importance of having diverse experiences to drive change while being transdisciplinary was underscored. Participants acknowledged the value of staying engaged with this Community of Practice through regular meetings to foster deeper connections among members, forming subgroups based on shared interests to prototype objectives together. 
The meeting wrapped up by arranging a three-day retreat to extend the dialogue.

BLUE GENES WORKSHOP: second online

Highlights from the 2nd Blue Genes online meeting (June 22, 2023): 30+ community members discussed Ocean and Waters initiatives, proposed a Satellite Event during the 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona. This in-person meeting aimed to define priorities and strategies for the future of the Blue Genes community, engaging a broader audience in exploring new ways to connect with nature, with a focus on the ocean.

Authors:  All participants in alphabetical order


On October 27th, 2022 a group of scientists, activists and artists participated in a workshop. The participants were divided into 6 groups to discuss a number of questions that were already prepared by the organisers. To facilitate the discussion and ensure an active participation, attendants were introduced to the Miro tool and they were requested to add their answers and ideas in post-it notes. The leader of each group was then invited to share the main conclusions of their group in the plenary session. Those conclusions were used afterwards to summarise the main goals and prioritise areas of action. 

Authors: All participants in alphabetical order